baby corzine's ticker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Merry Christmas at nineteen weeks

Here's a picture of my baby belly at 19 weeks...starting to be a little more evident now!  We go for our 20 week sonogram next week, & we're still deciding whether or not to find out the sex of our little one.  I still think we will, but I suppose anything's possible with Craig & me!  :)  Either way, we'll definitely be posting Baby's latest photo shoot next week!  Can't wait to see how big he/she has gotten...I know I'm definitely feeling lots more of his/her movements every single day!  What an awesome feeling!  We are already so blessed!

I also wanted to take a second to wish everyone a very safe & Merry Christmas!  It's hard to believe it's already here!  Be safe in all of your travels this holiday season, & enjoy all of those Christmas cookies & candies!  I know we will!  :)  Lots of love & Happy Holidays to you & yours!!!

All our love,
Craig, Ash, Erica, Julia, & Baby  :)

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