baby corzine's ticker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, December 20, 2010

our little kicker

I just had to pass on that, although I have been feeling the little kicks & punches from our babe for about 2 weeks, Daddy finally got to feel his first karate chop late last week!  :)  We were laying in bed ready to fall asleep, & our (very active) little one started going crazy!  Although I haven't been able to feel anything externally yet, Craig was able to feel the movement that night!  I have tried several times to catch the baby moving, but I think he or she knows when I'm trying to feel the movements, so instead he/she freezes!  Go figure...already ornery!  I think Craig & I both already knew we'd have plenty of our own orneriness coming in paybacks!  :)

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