baby corzine's ticker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Friday, December 3, 2010

sneak peek!

Thought you all might like a quick sneak peek of our Christmas card for 2010!  So, here ya have it...

I thought we better get at least one more good picture as a family of four before we are PLUS ONE!  :)  Hope you all had a fantastic Thanksgiving!  It's still hard to believe it's already December - also hard to believe that little Miss Julia just turned SIX, in three & a half weeks, we'll be halfway through this pregnancy, & Christmas is almost here!  Where does the time go?!?  By the way...Baby Corzine is an avocado this week according to & is also starting to be able to hear!  Next Wednesday (Dec 8th) is our next appoinment for a check-up, & then the very next visit will be the ultrasound to determine the sex if we choose to find out (which has been a really tough decision for us)!  We'll definitely update on Baby's progress after we visit Dr Ertmoed next week!

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