baby corzine's ticker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

18 weeks & baby c's 3rd check up

It's hard to believe that Christmastime will be the halfway mark for our pregnancy!  So far, it's been going pretty quickly & very smoothly!  I have to say, there's not a thing I can complain about!  We went for our third check up last Thursday - December 9th, & Baby & I are progressing exactly as Dr Ertmoed said we should be.  Although, I still don't have much of a "bump", I have started to gain a little weight now.  I figure in the next week or two weeks, it'll be much more evident.  I'm definitely not complaining...& hopefully, with any luck at all, the weight will continue to come on slowly!  Here's a picture of my baby belly at 18 weeks...

We go back on the 29th for our next visit & our 20 week ultrasound.  We are still a little unsure if we'll find out the sex, but I'm thinking we probably will!  My impatience might be getting the best of BOTH of us!  :) 

We also went shopping for Baby's new furniture after our last appointment, & we found the perfect set that we both LOVED!  I can't wait until after Christmas when we can start rearranging our house so that the nursery can be on the first floor of our house with our bedroom.  We are both getting very excited for that change, & the girls are more than ecstatic!  They ask us nearly every hour (no exaggeration there) when we will start moving things & making their little brother or sister's room!  I think they are having just as much fun with the anticipation as we are!  They'll be GREAT big sisters...& I can already tell, they will be so much help to me!

Speaking of big sisters...we also celebrated Julia's 6th birthday this past weekend.  We had a bowling birthday party for her on Saturday with her classmates (we did the same with Erica for her first year in school).  Julia had an absolute blast.  There were about 15 kids total, counting a few siblings that came along.  Thank goodness it all went one went down the lane with their ball or anything!  So, we all had a good time celebrating.

Aside from everything else that's been going on...I am MORE than ready for those pregnancy hot flashes to start kicking in!  It is FREEZING here!  At least there's some snow on the ground to make it a little more worthwhile...but, I'm getting ready for May in way more ways than just one, now!

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