baby corzine's ticker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

baby C is a GIRL!

Much to everyone's surprise, we found out last week (Dec 29th) at our 20 week ultrasound that our "Little Bit" is a GIRL!!!  Craig & I had a feeling we would have a little girl on the way, but almost everyone else thought for sure we would have a little boy.  We are MORE than excited!  Of course, Mama has already been online shopping for little girl things & loving every second of it!  And, Daddy is pumped...we already know she will be a major Daddy's girl!  Also, big sisters, Erica & Julia, are thrilled!  They think it's pretty neat that little sis will be inheriting all of the things they have outgrown.  They have already even gone through their playroom to see what toys she will want to play with!  Too cute!

Aside from finding out we were expecting a precious little girl, we got a GREAT report from the doctor,  although it took extra time to do all of her measurements & check all of her development because she is such a WILD child!  She moved around through the entire ultrasound!  Even Alice, our ultrasound nurse, pleaded with her to hold still for just a little bit!  :)  We did eventually get to see that everything was developing perfectly, even through all of her movements.  And, she weighed in at a whopping 15 ounces, which is actually ahead of schedule - the average babe at 20 weeks weighs around 10 1/2 ounces.  So, by her measurements, she could be here a little early.  We're not counting any chickens yet, though!

We did get some wonderful pictures from our ultrasound, & Alice had a great time adding bows to her pictures!  Here is one of our favorites...

Baby C's profile & wearing her first bow!

We both got a big laugh because the image to tell her gender was so clear that even if we didn't go there planning to find out, we would have known!  It was literally textbook!  I don't think I'll actually post it though...Daddy has already been having pep talks with her about not showing off her parts anymore!  :)

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