baby corzine's ticker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

21 weeks & bye-bye to my old jeans!

Well, thankfully, it took me quite a while to start showing, but that is definitely not the case anymore!  I finally gave up on wearing my regular jeans this week.  I probably could have held off for another week or so, but the maternity pants are so much more comfortable.  Plus, with all of the kicking & squirming that Little Miss is doing, it doesn't hurt to have a little breathing room.  I know that in the next 19 weeks, I'll be more & more thankful for any breathing room I can get, so I might as well get used to it now.  :)  Here's my baby belly at 21 weeks...

21 Weeks

As you can tell, my belly is definitely NOT the only thing that is growing!  Hahahaha!  I'm very thankful, though, that I have still only gained a total of 7 pounds.  Hopefully between the treadmill & trying to continue to eat healthy, I'll be able to keep my gaining under control.  Now, if I could just kick the cravings for sweets all the time, I'll be in good shape!  :)

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