baby corzine's ticker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, March 10, 2011

30 weeks!

This week, we started our every-two-weeks appointments with Dr Ertmoed.  Everyone tells me that things will definitely fly by now!  It's funny how you tend to live between appointments, & when they start getting closer & closer together, the time goes faster & faster!  It's still hard for me to believe that we'll have a baby girl in 2 months, give or take.  :)

A little update on me...after failing my first glucose test, I did have to go for the three-hour test last week.  Although it definitely wasn't the most enjoyable thing I have ever been through, the end was worth the means!  Thank goodness, I passed!  No gestational diabetes for me!  Dr E even told us yesterday that sometimes it's just a fluke that you don't pass the first, he had no concerns whatsoever.  He also told me that I was below the required levels on all four blood draws.  That was also great news to hear!  Again, at least sitting through that test was worth the effort.  :)

Aside from discussing the glucose test, yesterday's appointment went really well again.  I did gain a little more between appointments this time than I have in the past few, but I figure I can attribute that to eating pizza & cake TWICE each over the weekend & ice cream a few times last week...I'm pretty sure there was a big burger & fries somewhere in there, too!  Oops!!!  That is definitely not like me, but I think I allowed myself one bad (okay, really bad) week.  It really wasn't enough for concern, so Dr E, Craig, & I all had a good laugh, & I promised I wouldn't have anymore meltdowns like that!  :)  We also discussed my workout routine, which has recently gotten a little harder.  Up to this point, I have been walking on the treadmill or doing yoga almost every single morning.  I'm still doing them, but definitely at a little slower pace.  I have started noticing a little more pressure, which is completely common, but Dr E wanted to "check" me anyway, just to be certain we weren't missing something.  The good news was that everything was perfect on the check, but Little Miss is definitely in position!  Craig & I think it even surprised Dr E when he checked me...he (somewhat excitedly) said, "WOW...she is most definitely head down!"  Haha!  :)  Of course, this doesn't necessarily mean that she will come early, but it's great news to know that she is already in position, & it surely explains the "pressure" I have been feeling!  :)  I'm still okay to continue my workouts, but he suggested taking breaks or stopping if I notice extra pressure.  So, for the time being, I'm continuing on with my regular plan...after all, I definitely need to keep going so that I don't have anymore of those "scale tipping" appointments!  :)

Here is my belly at 30 weeks...

Next weekend is my first baby shower that my mother-in-law & sister-in-laws are throwing for me!  I can't wait to see everyone & to see all of the nice things that we get for Baby C!  Craig & I are so lucky to have such wonderful family & friends!  Be sure to check back...I'm sure there will be TONS of pictures to post!  :)

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