baby corzine's ticker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Thursday, February 24, 2011

28 weeks & finally to the LAST trimester!

Hard to believe it, but we're finally to the LAST trimester!  I truly can't complain, though!  This pregnancy has been very smooth & pretty easy on Mama, for the most part. 

We went to the doctor yesterday for our 28 week appointment & the lovely glucose test.  Dr Ertmoed had nothing but great things to say, again, so we were very excited about that!  He even said that she is already "head down"...which doesn't really mean I'll go early or anything, but at least she's figured out where she needs to be when that time does come.  :)  I've gained 13 pounds so far...even though it feels like more than that on some days, so I'm very hopeful that the weight gain continues to be gradual.  She's still been quite the active little girl, but I have definitely noticed that she isn't moving quite as much, but when she does, it's much stronger!  And, her movements are also very visible now, as well.  It's really neat to sit & watch her move around!  What an awesome feeling!

On a little more of a bummer note...I did find out today that I failed the glucose test.  :(  But, as I look back, I probably could have prevented that if I hadn't made my appointment for later in the day.  It wasn't much above, but it was above, nonetheless, so I have to go back early next week to do the 3 hour test.  I am NONE too thrilled about it, but hopefully it'll prove to be a good thing, as I'm hoping it will come back negative this time.  I'm definitely crossing my fingers!

Other than that, things have been great around here!  Two weeks ago, the construction on the nursery & our bedroom got finished.  And, last week, my mom was able to come up & help get it all painted, along with the help of my great friend, Stacey, too.  I have no idea how I could have done it without them!  And, it looks GREAT on top of everything!!!  Thanks again, Mom & Stacey!  :)

Here are a few pictures of the finished nursery doors, our new stairwell entry & master bedroom door, & a few updates to the nursery...

Armoire with the new rug we found!

Another rug for in front of her crib.

Dresser & changing area with a mini recliner the girls passed on to their baby sis.

She's already got more clothes than me!

Double doors to the nursery, the new stairwell entry, & our new master bedroom door.

Last but not least, it's been a few weeks since I have posted a picture of my baby belly, & it has definitely changed quite a bit!  Here's my 28 week picture...

What a change from three weeks ago!  Little Miss is definitely growing!  I'm definitely starting to get anxious for May to get here so we can meet our little girl!

I'll be sure to update on my glucose test...please cross your fingers that all goes smoothly!  :)

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