baby corzine's ticker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

25 weeks & baby's nursery

Thank goodness for such a smooth pregnancy to this point!  We're 25 weeks this week, & things could not be going more perfectly!  Little Miss has been quite the active little girl.  I can't say I expect much less knowing her daddy like I do!  :)

We had a checkup on January 25th, & to put it quite simply...we didn't have much to talk about!  Dr E even told us he felt like he was getting boring because things are going so great!  :)  Obviously, we are very thankful for those "boring" visits!  He told us everything was literally going perfectly!  Again, I measured just about a week ahead of schedule, but we're still not counting any chickens!  Haha!

Our next visit is on February 23rd (which also happens to be Papa Corzine's birthday - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Papa!).  This will be our last monthly appointment, & then we're on to visiting Dr E every two weeks!  It's so hard to believe we're already this far!  Yahhh!  :)  Unfortunately, our next visit is the lovely appointment where I have to drink the yucky orange drink for my glucose test!  I have a pretty strong stomach, so hopefully things will go great...but, a couple extra fingers crossed sure wouldn't hurt!  :)  I'll be sure to update after that appointment!

So many other things have finally started to take shape around our house, as well!  We were able to pick up the furniture for the nursery & get it set up last week.  AND, to make matters even better, her bedding came in last week, as well!  Craig worked really hard getting things set up, & it looks fantastic!!!  He also had a little help from our friend & farm help,, thanks so much, Ryan!!!  :)  Here's a few pictures...

Daddy & Ryan getting ready to set up the crib.

Crib all set up with bedding!  LOVE it!!!

Filling up her armoire/closet already thanks to Mommy, Grandma (have to call her that for now until she decides what her nickname will be), Nana, & Mommy's wonderful friends.  She's already rotten...look at all of those shoes!  And, sadly, this is just the newborn & 0-3 month collection...believe me, there's more in bigger sizes!  :)

Aside from Mommy & Daddy getting excited to start preparing for her arrival.  She most definitely has two big sisters that really cannot wait for her to get here!  When they aren't asking tons of questions about her, they stay busy giving us their ideas for names & tell us all about how they will hold her & help with all kinds of things!  Erica & Julia will truly be great big sisters!  Just recently, Julia has learned to write & spell a few words in Kindergarten.  Here's a note that she's written to her baby sister...oh, & me!  Hahaha!  Of course, this will most definitely find a place in the baby book or maybe even framed in her room.  How precious!

Absolutely adorable!!!!

And, last but not is my baby belly at 25 weeks!  I really don't realize how much I have changed until I come back to this blog to add new pictures!  Hard to believe I can change so much in two weeks.  :)  I'm still very thankful to be gaining slowly...I just pray this trend continues!

25 weeks
I definitely must admit that right now, I am SO thankful I am not farther along in this pregnancy!  Although anything could happen, I can't even imagine what it would be like to be farther with this awful weather we're having!  I can't imagine being close to delivery during a BLIZZARD!!!  Hope everyone stays safe & WARM!  And, I better get moving...our power is flickering as I speak! 

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