baby corzine's ticker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Monday, March 21, 2011

baby corzine is showered with love & 32 weeks!

I'm not even sure where to start other than to say how fortunate Little Miss is to be coming into the world with such wonderful people to surround her!  I definitely have to say that the shower my mother-in-law & sister-in-laws threw for me was a perfect testament for that!  Not only did they make One East Market gorgeous with adorable decorations, hand-made (yes, hand-made) cookie pops & votives as favors, a to-die-for cake & beautiful flowers, but they literally made me feel so special!  As if that wasn't enough, I also got to share this special day with some of the most important people in my life!  My mom was able to make the trip up, & some of my very best friends & family were also able to make it!  It was perfect!  We are truly fortunate to have such amazing friends & family! 

Susie, Allison, & Ashley - THANK YOU SO MUCH for putting so much time & effort into throwing me a beautiful shower!  I can't tell you enough how much I appreciated it!!!

Without further are some of the pictures from the shower...

The table decor...GORGEOUS!

So pretty!  And, look at those hand-made votives & cookie pops...loved them!

Not only was it gorgeous, it was YUMMY, too!

Stacey, Mom, & me.

A few of the showerers!  :)

The girls & me getting ready to cut the cake.

I had lots of help from the little people.  :)

Opening just one of the MANY awesome gifts!  Thank you all SO MUCH!

Amazing friends & family.  :)

Thank you to my wonderful mother-in-law, Susie, for making the BEAUTIFUL hand-made floor blanket!  I absolutely LOVE it, & so will Little Miss! 

Gigi (Craig's grandmother) sent an absolutely adorable outfit from Florida!  We missed her, but what a great gift!  Can't wait to get this on Little Miss when she arrives!

As if this fantastic shower wasn't a gift enough, my mother-in-law, Susie, & my sister-in-laws, Allison & Ashley, gave us the entire first year picture package with Ashley's absolutely amazing photographer!  What a thoughtful gift!  And, I honestly CANNOT wait to use it!!!!  Thank you girls SO much!

The little girls helped lift the heavy present from the floor.  :)  My amazing friends went together & bought us the stroller we picked out!  I can't wait to use it!  Thanks all are the best!

The baby shower was also a dance party for Miss Julia, Miss Reese, & Miss Addison...too cute.

The three amigos...Reese, Julia, & Addison.  :)

Erica, Reese, Julia, & Addison having a great time at the "baby party"!  :)

My mama, the girls, & me.  :)

Mama-to-be & Grandma-to-be...I'm not sure which of us is more excited!!!  Haha!

Just a few of my great friends that were able to come!  :)

All of the Corzine ladies.

Corzine ladies.
I have to say it one more time...THANK YOU girls so much!  It was truly wonderful!!!  :)

So, maybe I went a little overboard on posting pictures, but I really couldn't help it!  There were so many good ones to chose from!  It was truly a wonderful shower!  Baby C is so fortunate!  We're already getting close to ready for her to be here after all of the wonderful gifts!  Thank you all, again, for showering us with so much love!!!  :)

Last, but not least, we went today for our 32 week checkup with Dr E.  :)  Everything is still progressing perfectly in his eyes, so we were super grateful to hear that news!  I hadn't gained any weight since the last appointment, so I am at a grand total of 15 lbs gained so far, but I assured Dr E, there is no problem at all with my appetite!  My appetite is actually it's own person these days...I loved food I REALLY love food!  Haha!  It's really hard to believe that sometime in the next 8 weeks, we will be bringing home a baby girl!  I do have to say, the reality is setting in more & more each day...especially with all of her things set up in our house!  We're definitely making room for baby!  All four of us are very ready for her arrival...I know for sure she has some very anxious big sisters!  They talk about her constantly & love to put their hands on my belly to feel her move!!!  :)  Daddy is having a great time seeing & feeling her move, too!  We already feel so blessed!  :)

Here is my baby belly at 32 weeks...

In two weeks, I have my Koester family & Indiana shower!  I can't wait to see everyone & to see all of the great things that Little Miss will get!  Be sure to check back...I'm sure there will be lots to talk about & MANY more pictures!  For all of you that are reading this from IN...can't wait to see you all!!!!  XOXO!

1 comment:

  1. Ashley--you really are truly Blessed!! What a beautiful shower and family you have. Enjoy each moment and memory of this pregnancy. You look so cute, too! Friends Forever, Brenda
