baby corzine's ticker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

On October 30th, we were lucky enough to take Erica & Julia to their very first Illini football game...okay, maybe it was my first football game, too! ;) We had an absolute blast! Nana, Papa, Erica, Julia, Craig, & myself had a great time...despite it being a little on the chilly side! The girls liked it so much, they didn't even want to leave! It's interesting to see how they have really taken to being interested in sports. When Craig & I are watching our beloved Illini, Cardinals, or Colts, the girls have really taken to watching & cheering with us! It's fun to see them grow & become interested in some of these types of things! Here's some pictures from our Illini game outing...

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