baby corzine's ticker

Lilypie Maternity tickers

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

maternity firefighter

So...I stepped way out of my comfort zone & did something I never thought I would!  Craig & I did a little maternity photo session...&, I honestly have to admit, it turned out way better than I expected!  :)  While I was researching photographers for Little Miss when she arrives, I came across a blog (which I didn't realize at the time was my sister-in-law's photog, who actually is the photog we chose...& the one that my sis-in-laws & mother-in-law got us the package for) where the photog had a friend of his who was pregnant pose in her husband's fire gear!  I, of course, couldn't resist showing Craig because anyone that knows him at all, knows that he absolutely LOVES being a fireman!  Wait, let me rephrase that...he's OBSESSED with being a fireman!  Haha!  He thought it was the absolute coolest maternity pic...which, I knew he would!  And, of course, he suggested that I do the same thing! could say that I am just a bit modest...okay, maybe a LOT modest, so I definitely wasn't all about doing maternity photos anyway.  But, after thinking about it for a while & getting a little motivation from Craig & his sis, Ash, I decided that, okay...maybe I can do this!  :)  So, we did it!  :)  Craig took on the photog role, & I took on the firefighter role (talk about role-reversal...hahaha), & the pictures turned out really well!  We actually had a lot of fun with it.  We did a few pictures at home, & then, a few in at the firehouse with the trucks.  So, here are some of our favs...hope you enjoy them, as well!  :)

For Daddy:
All men are created equal, then a few become firemen. ~ Anonymous

1 comment:

  1. These pictures are absolutely amazing! What a clever idea and Little Miss will be so proud some day to show off these pics. Such a special tribute to Craig and the Fire Department. Can't wait to meet and see "Little Miss" <3
